Apple has appointed an expat to lead the Indian operations after its erstwhile country head Sanjay Kaul put in his papers. Company veteran, Michel Coulomb, who was the managing director for South Asia operations at Apple, has been appointed the chief of Indian operation with immediate effect.
The changes were announced by Apple’s head of emerging markets Hugues Asseman on Monday during Apple India’s annual sales conference in Goa, two senior industry executives said. Coulomb with report to Asseman .
Coulomb, a French national, has been with Apple for over 14 years and considered a key executive of CEO Tim Cook. He has earlier led Apple’s operations in Middle East, Tukey and Africa before moving into Singapore last year as chief of South Asia, his Linkedin profile said.
In fact, Apple had earlier two Indian executives leading the Indian operations – Maneesh Dhir who was responsible for growing the Apple business to over $ one billion size and moved out in 2015 after five years stint. Sanjay Kaul, who was then heading sales at Apple India, was subsequently promoted as the India managing director, reported ET.