Miti Associates has launched high definition multimedia interface (HDMI) & nbsp (non-breaking space) cables, which can support 1.3 HDMI capabilities. These cables can offer a crisp resolution of both 1080i as well as 1080p. The 24 carat gold plated connectors are used for optimum picture quality. The braided mesh protects the entire cable from any kind of damage. The price of a 1.5 -15 m cable ranges between Rs 200-1500.
For further details: Mihir Shah, Miti Associates, 72/78, Princess Street, Chapsey Building, 2nd Floor,
R No 21, Mumbai 400002; Ph: +91-22-22084985, 66103983, 39567096, Mob: 9821388138; Fax: +91-22-66103983; Email:,; Website: