RF signal generators are used mainly in product designing, manufacturing and testing. And when they are used in the cellular and wireless industries, a lot of complex modulations need to be added, which can be handled only with the help of a vector RF signal generator (VSG)
By Sneha Ambastha
Also known as function or signal generators, waveform generators play a vital role in the industry by generating repeated or non-repetitive electronic signals. Different waveform generators are used to generate the different various of waves/signals required in different applications. RF signal generators are used mainly in product designing, manufacturing and testing. And when they are used in the cellular and wireless industries, a lot of complex modulations need to be added, which can be handled only with the help of a RF vector signal generator (VSG).
The latest waveform generators come in a compact size and incorporate new technologies that eliminate the drawbacks of earlier versions. They are also available with USB connectivity so as to fit in with the integrated test systems available today. The Electronics Bazaar team has put together a collection of the latest waveform generators available in the market. Let’s take a look at what these generators offer.
Model: 845-26, Brand: BNC, Manufacturer: Berkeley Nucleonics
The already existing microwave signal generator series (model 845-R) from Berkeley Nucleonics has undergone an upgrade to offer signal frequencies of 6GHz, 12GHz, 20GHz and 26.5GHz, along with an easy-to-implement and a fully customisable rack mount configuration. Model 845-26 is a part of this series and provides full modulation in a range of 100kHz to 26GHz. Although it facilitates a high output power of up to 26dBm, its extended power range is -90/-120dBm. It also has an ultra-low phase noise.
Key features:
- Has low phase noise along with good harmonic suppression
- Provides fast switching speed of less than 30 micro seconds
- Gives full analogue modulation capability and programmable pulse trains with internal pulse generator and frequency chirps
- Has excellent phase coherence of multiple phase-locked units
- Has a standardised user interface via the SCPI 1999 instruction set
- Has an internal battery module with low power consumption and quiet operation
- Provides high output power of up to 26dBm
- Has an extended power range of up to -90/-120dBm
- Comes with a 1HE rackmount enclosure
- Supports 3HE desktop enclosure with a touch panel
Key specifications
- Frequency range: 100kHz – 28GHz
- Phase noise [at 1GHz (1Hz/20kHz)]: -45/-128dBc/Hz
- Power: <20W
- Weight: 2.5kg
USP: Low-noise, ultra-fast switching microwave signal generator covering a frequency range from 100kHz up to 26GHz
Contact details: Ph: (022) 24137096, eecorporate@hotmail.com, www.eeipl.in
India distributor: Electronic Enterprises (India) Pvt Ltd
Model: TSG4106A, Brand: Tektronix, Manufacturer: Tektronix, Inc.
TSG4100A is a vector RF signal generator available at a price similar to that of a basic signal generator. TSG4106A is a model in the TSG4100A Series that gives a frequency coverage of about 6GHz. It offers a mid-range RF performance and a modulation bandwidth of about 200MHz. Using this, engineers have the option of going in for an in-field, digital upgrade of many functions like audio analysis, basic vector modulation, DECT, EDGE, external IQ modulation GSM, NADC, P25, PDC, TETRA, W-CDMA, etc.
Key features:
- Can generate both analogue and vector/digital signals
- Internal IQ bandwidth is up to 6MHz while the external IQ bandwidth is up to 200MHz
- Software supports easy upgrade to internal vector modulation source
- Less than ±0.002ppm temperature stability and less than ±0.05ppm aging stability through oven-controlled crystal oscillator (OCXO) time-base
- Output frequency coverage starts from true DC
- Accommodates both analogue and vector signal generator applications at an extremely low cost
- It eliminates the need to add other instruments for DC or low frequency applications
- It has a superior aging and stability performance for R&D applications
- Enabled with USB, GPIB, RS-232 and LAN interfaces
Key specifications
- Number of channels: 2 (I and Q)
- Built-in waveforms: Sine, ramp, saw, square, pulse and noise
- Carrier frequency range: 400MHz to 6GHz
- Harmonics (maximum): <-30dBc output level <0dBm, 1GHz CW signal
- Phase noise: [Output level is +5dBm at 18°C to 28°C for 1GHz carrier]
1. 1kHz offset: -102dBc/Hz
2. 10kHz offset: -110dBc/Hz
3. 20kHz offset: -113dBc/Hz
4. 1MHz offset: -124dBc/Hz - Amplitude accuracy: ±0.7dB
- Operating temperature: -65°C to 125°C
- Aging: <±0.05 ppm/year
- Power output:
1. +16.5dBm to –110dBm (<4GHz)
2. +10dBm to –110dBm (4-6GHz)
3. Weight: 5.6kg
USP: Very low phase noise with low aging
Contact details: Ph: 080-30792726/41, india.mktg@tek.com, in.tek.com
India distributor: Tektronix India Private Limited
Model: M8195A, Brand: Keysight, Manufacturer: Keysight Technologies
The M8195A is an arbitrary waveform generator (AWG) with a bandwidth of about 25GHz and a sample rate of up to 65 Giga Samples/second (GSa/s). It has a three-level sequencing that makes it efficient even for longer signal scenarios. The M8195A has two different types of control—an external dynamic control to enable the synchronisation of several M8195A modules, and a bit error ratio test system (M8070A) software along with the M8085A software plug-in to create MIPI C-PHY and D-PHY standard conformant test signals.
Key features:
- It has a sample rate up to 65 GSa/s
- Has a high channel density of one, two or four channels per module
- Enables synchronisation of up to 16 channels on four modules with the M8197A multi-channel synchronisation module
- Has built-in frequency and phase response calibration
- Embedded digital signal processing (DSP) enables real-time waveform and impairment generation (in conjunction with the 81195A optical modulation generator software)
- A single M8195A module generates two independent I/Q baseband signals (dual polarisation = 4 channels) at a Baud rate of about 32 GBaud and beyond
- At 32 GBaud, signals like NRZ, PAM4, PAM8, DMT, etc, get generated
- It supports protocols such as C-PHY and D-PHY along with embed/de-embed channels, jitter, ISI, noise and other distortions
- It is capable of generating any mathematically defined arbitrary waveforms, ultra-short yet precise pulses and extremely wideband chirps
- It can also generate extremely wideband RF signals with an instantaneous bandwidth of DC to 25GHz for aerospace, defence and communication applications
Key specifications
- Number of channels: One, two or four (corresponding to 001, 002, 004). The number of channels is software-upgradable via a licence key
- Carrier frequency range: Up to 25GHz
- Phase noise:
1. < -115dBc/Hz (typ) at 10kHz offset, fOUT = 1GHz
2. < -95dBc/Hz (typ) at 10kHz offset, fOUT = 10GHz - Amplitude accuracy (DC): ±(2.5% +10mV) (typ)
- Operating temperature: 0°C to 40°C
- Aging: ± 0.3 ppm aging/year
- Power: 180W (nom) @ 65GSa/s
- Weight: 3.75kg
USP: Very low phase noise with low aging
Contact details: Ph: 0124-229-2010, tm_india@keysight.com, www.keysight.com
India distributor: Keysight Technologies India Private Limited
Model: M4i.6630-X8, Brand: SPECTRUM, Manufacturer: Spectrum Systementwicklung Microelectronic GmbH
The M41.6630-x8 is a single channel AWG that operates at high speed, gives good performance and comes in an optimal size. It is capable of producing electronic signals at a rate of about 1.25GS/s with a vertical resolution of 16-bit. This can produce accurate and precise high-frequency signals of about 400MHz. It includes PCI Express (PCIe) cards with one synchronous channel, and is much smaller than the other conventional instruments. Its large onboard memory can be segmented to replay different waveform sequences.
Key features:
- It is a fast 16-bit arbitrary waveform generator
- Provides a sample rate of up to 1.25GS/s on one channel
- Capable of simultaneous signal generation on all channels
- Output level of ±160mV to ±5V (625MS/s) or ±4V (1.25GS/s) into high impedance
- Output level of ±80mV to ±2.5V (625MS/s) or ±2V (1.25GS/s) into 50 ohms
- Single-shot, loop, gated, sequence mode
- Can synchronise up to eight cards
- PCI Express x8 Gen2 interface
- Works with x8/x16 PCIe slots
- Compatible with Gen1, Gen2 and Gen3
- Sustained read streaming mode up to 3.4GB/s
- Sustained write streaming mode up to 1.5GB/s
Key specifications
- Number of channels: 1
- Built-in waveforms: Generates arbitrary waveforms
- Frequency range: Up to 400MHz
- Amplitude output: ±80mV up to ±2V in 1mV steps into 50Ω termination (resulting in ±160mV up to ±4V in 2mV steps into high impedance loads)
- Operating temperature: 0°C to 50°C
- Power: 3.3V @ 0.2A and 12V @ 2.7A~2.9A
- Weight: 420g
USP: 16-bit waveform generator available in a compact size
Contact details: Ph: +91-80-23332064/ +91-80-23330665, info@kingslyonline.in, www.kingslyonline.in
India distributor: Kingsly Instrumentation and Communication Pvt Ltd