Monday, May 15, 2013:
2013-17 is set to be the period of rapid growth for LED lighting in India
Source: Philips
The LED revolution
Digital lighting is transforming the entire landscape
Meaningful LED solutions in office & retail lighting
• Remote phosphor LED downlights which offer 50 per cent energy saving when compared with CFL down lights
• LED accent lighting solutions which offer 80 per cent energy saving when compared to halogen spotlights
• Light quality comparable and attractive TCO
• Good momentum seen in offices, retail and hospitality
Meaningful LED solutions in outdoor lighting
• Low wattage street lighting, LED solutions designed and developed in India launched for A2, B1 and B2 category roads
• Some momentum already seen, though many customers are still hesitant when committing
• Inability to differentiate between good and bad solutions is the major deterrent. Availability of standards is key
• High wattage street lighting LED solutions available in global ranges, however need higher customer commitment before taking a decision on localization
• LED city beautification range
Source: Frost and Sullivan report 2010
Source: Frost and Sullivan report 2011
Electronics Bazaar, South Asia’s No.1 Electronics B2B magazine