Wednesday, April 16,2014:
Model: PX8000, Brand: Yokogawa, Manufacturer: Yokogawa Meters & Instruments Corporation, Japan
Launched in January 2014, the PX8000 precision power scope combines power analyser and oscilloscope technologies to offer a new dimension in time-based power measurement. The PX8000 precisely captures voltage and current waveforms, opening up applications and solutions for a huge variety of emerging power measurement challenges. Applications for the PX8000 cover everything from renewable power to advanced robotics.
Key features
12-bit resolution with 100 MS/s sampling
20 MHz bandwidth
Choice of input modules covers voltage, current, and sensor measurements at voltages up to 1000 V RMS
Currents up to 5 A RMS with a basic accuracy of ±0.1 per cent of reading
Built-in functions for direct calculation like RMS and mean power values
Contact details: Ph:1-800-888-6400,,
India distributor: Yokogawa India Ltd
Model: PA1000, Brand: Tektronix, Manufacturer: Tektronix Inc, USA
Launched in March 2013, the PA1000 single-phase power analyser features a patent-pending spiral shunt design and provides engineers who design and test power supplies, consumer electronics and other electrical products with accurate power measurements in the shortest possible time.
Key features
Colour graphical display
One-button application modes
0.05 per cent basic accuracy and 1 MHz measurement bandwidth
Intuitive menu system enables optimum instrument set-up in seconds
Powerful PWRVIEW PC software that includes comprehensive reporting features such as a full compliance IEC62301 standby power certificate
Contact details: Ph: 1-800-833-9200 (USA),
India distributor: Tektronix India Pvt Ltd
Model: WT300, Brand: Yokogawa, Manufacturer: Yokogawa Meters & Instruments Corporation, Japan
Launched in January 2013, the WT300 series of digital power meters combines accurate and reliable power measurement over a wide power range, with flexibility, ease of use and a choice of communication interfaces. This series will help developers and manufacturers of electrical equipment to ensure that their products comply with emerging IEC and EN standards and also with increasingly complex and stringent specifications on energy efficiency.
Key features
Basic accuracy of 0.1 per cent of reading
Guaranteed accuracy over the entire measurement range (from 1 per cent to 130 per cent)
Wide measurement range from standby power levels of a few milliamperes up to the 40 A currents used in induction cookers
Flexibility to enable users to target different technical and commercial applications.
USB port and GPIB (or RS232) is fitted as standard
Ethernet available as an option
Contact details: Ph:1-800-888-6400,,
India distributor: Yokogawa India Ltd
Electronics Bazaar, South Asia’s No.1 Electronics B2B magazine